Friday 25 January 2013

Dan Writes...

Overall we are doing well, have settled in and starting to get to know folk. Work, as in all hospitals, can be tiring, stressful and emotionally draining but the beauty of the surrounding area lends itself to recuperation. I am also loving the summer sun, I always feeling happier when its sunny. Sarah however has managed to be jealous of the snow in the UK. Weather is amazing whatever it is...

Also, to get my own back as many of these blogs paint me in a disastrous light, I want to share a little story about my wife.

Sarah has decided recently she wants to try and have a gluten free diet. She appreciates hasn’t got coeliac disease but wonders if she like many others has an intolerance and she would feel better without it. All very well and good. Husband is sent with task of finding gluten free everything. Those of you who are gluten free know that whilst there are plenty of gluten free food types, trying to buy gluten free alternatives to things like bread, biscuits, crackers, and cereal can be quite pricey. But nevertheless this is what I have had to provide, and whenever I am cooking I have to come up with suitable gluten free options which often involved rice instead of pasta. The problem is that whilst I can provide this at home, Sarah’s own gluten free radar isn’t so defined and so at work she often eats things like pasta or (almost every day) biscuits.  Thus this expensive and time consuming trial (and I hope it’s a trial) is negated. Ah well...
In other news I have now been offered a job - in a busy ED in the north island - which starts in June. Sarah already has a job in the same town lined up so that has been a great blessing. Also we are expecting some visitors soon, people who usually generate a few good bloggable storylines of their own; so watch this space!
Dan (Pleased with myself for jumping on the blogging bandwagon)

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear from you, Dan - although I sympathise with the gluten-hiding-in-almost-everything-we-eat dilemma! I'm so glad you're having such a good experience in NZ, Finn keeps pointing you out on the world map! Love from us all xxx
